
A Jig Before DyingFortune Turns the Wheel, and With His Dying Breath are Danny’s first three mystery novels, each starring San Francisco Irish fiddler Niall Sweeney (known to his friends simply as Sweeney) and his literature professor wife Rose. All three are linked through theme, characters, and past events, though each stands on its own.

Sweeney sees our contemporary world through his music and from his comfortable place within his peer group of drunks and Celtic eccentrics. Rose possesses a deep love for mythic and heroic literature, teaching at San Francisco State University. But when faced with sudden and unexpected danger, they find that their two very different world views and ways of searching for the truth are equally necessary to get them out of hot water. A Jig Before Dying and Fortune Turns the Wheel were both published by Xlibris Books in 2008. The third novel in the series, With His Dying Breath, was published in 2012. Copies both new and previously-read are available on Amazon..